
More than a year

It has been more than a year since my last post!

Yea, I know. It seems like I have already abandoned this blog. However, I have still been getting some comments and questions about the animated circle post, on or off this blog, which i found it's quite astonishing.

A year ago, I was quitting my previous job and I was taking my leisure time to setup this blog, which I aimed to get my iOS developing and Objective-C programming life on going, as i would become jobless so soon.

Somehow, after I have set this thing up and finished a freelance project, I got a contact from a job agent and then got a job offer after a month, which I didn't find any reasons to reject it.

Life have been crazy, meeting new people, visiting the US silicon based team and learning a lot new stuff from the job. (Not only on Objective-C programming, but also how to get the iOS development process automated, and how to handle different people. :P)

I have some tutorial written years ago and stopped at the middle. I don't think I'm going to finish those topics since those epic topics required full focus to make it organized and well written. However, I would try to get some ideas what is feasible to do in this blog with my limited time.

iOS 7 looks good by the way.